Orto San Frediano
Home bistrot / garden to table experience / kitchen school /concept store
Orto San Frediano is a project born from the redevelopment of a historic nursery in the heart of the Florentine Oltrarno and from the desire to tell new stories in the kitchen.
We are inside the Torrini Garden, a large private space that opens up to the city to offer multiple taste experiences.
A garden kitchen that revolves around the vegetable garden and is inspired by its products, its beauty, in a continuous exchange between inside and outside.
In the garden, the space is marked by the potager cultivated with care and passion, among centuries-old olive trees and greenhouses transformed into places of conviviality, exchange and learning.
In the kitchen, experience, professionalism and creativity meet the freshness of zero kilometer vegetables.

Home bistrot / garden to table experience / kitchen school /concept store
Orto San Frediano is a project born from the redevelopment of a historic nursery in the heart of the Florentine Oltrarno and from the desire to tell new stories in the kitchen.
We are inside the Torrini Garden, a large private space that opens up to the city to offer multiple taste experiences.
A garden kitchen that revolves around the vegetable garden and is inspired by its products, its beauty, in a continuous exchange between inside and outside.
In the garden, the space is marked by the potager cultivated with care and passion, among centuries-old olive trees and greenhouses transformed into places of conviviality, exchange and learning.
In the kitchen, experience, professionalism and creativity meet the freshness of zero kilometer vegetables.

Enrica Della Martira nasce a Firenze nel 1980 con una passione quasi innata per la buona tavola. Studia Economia aziendale e si specializza in Managenment e design della moda all'Università Bocconi. Nel 2008 torna a Firenze per gestire insieme alla madre lo show room di famiglia.
La passione per la cucina intanto si fa sempre più forte. Inizia a fare il pane, a tirare la pasta, a coltivare le aromatiche in giardino. Tra i suoi sogni c'è già quello di creare un orto.
Nel 2014 gli amici la convincono a iscriversi a MasterChef. Enrica partecipa alla terza edizione del programma e si aggiudica il terzo posto.
Nel 2015 esce il suo libro “Bruschetta o Scarpetta” (Mondadori). Apre il blog “La Versione di Enrica” grazie al quale inizia a divulgare le sue ricette.
Dal 2015 al 2020 tiene corsi di cucina e lavora food consultant e personal chef.
Dal 2019 è uno dei volti più amati del canale Food Network.
È mamma di due gemelli, Vieri e Giulio. Con loro, con il marito e i due bassotti, Ugo e Tequila, vive nella casa di via Pisana che oggi è diventata sede di Orto San Frediano.

Enrica Della Martira nasce a Firenze nel 1980 con una passione quasi innata per la buona tavola. Studia Economia aziendale e si specializza in Management e design della moda all’Università Bocconi. Nel 2008 torna a Firenze per gestire insieme alla madre lo show room di famiglia.
La passione per la cucina intanto si fa sempre più forte. Inizia a fare il pane, a tirare la pasta, a coltivare le aromatiche in giardino. Tra i suoi sogni c’è già quello di creare un orto.
Nel 2014 gli amici la convincono a iscriversi a MasterChef. Enrica partecipa alla terza edizione del programma e si aggiudica il terzo posto.
Nel 2015 esce il suo libro “Bruschetta o Scarpetta” (Mondadori). Apre il blog “La Versione di Enrica” grazie al quale inizia a divulgare le sue ricette.
Dal 2015 al 2020 tiene corsi di cucina e lavora food consultant e personal chef.
Dal 2019 è uno dei volti più amati del canale Food Network.
È mamma di due gemelli, Vieri e Giulio. Con loro, con il marito e i due bassotti, Ugo e Tequila, vive nella casa di via Pisana che oggi è diventata sede di Orto San Frediano.

Orto San Frediano collects the legacy of a special place, a green space that has been preserved for over a century with the care reserved for the most precious memories: the Torrini garden, 3,500 square meters that rise from via Pisana towards the parallel via della Fonderia, on the left bank of the Arno.
It was 1946 when Mario Torrini, born in Galluzzo in 1904 and graduated as a "gardener and florist of the Kingdom of Italy", purchased the property and founded "Torrini Mario Cactee e Piante Grasse". His specimens are beautiful and original, they won numerous prizes at the Flower Show, which at the time took place in the Uffizi square, and they have a place of honor, with a large exhibition space between the two entrance doors of the gallery.
The Torrini nursery remained active until the 1980s, when Mario decided to sell the entire collection. He will only keep a few specimens for himself, some of which are still at the Torrini house.
The garden has since become a family space, which over the years has preserved the splendid centenary olive grove.
Today it is experiencing a new chapter in its history thanks to Orto San Frediano, so that it continues to be a green space between the buildings.
Orto San Frediano collects the legacy of a special place, a green space that has been preserved for over a century with the care reserved for the most precious memories: the Torrini garden, 3,500 square meters that rise from via Pisana towards the parallel via della Fonderia, on the left bank of the Arno.
It was 1946 when Mario Torrini, born in Galluzzo in 1904 and graduated as a “gardener and florist of the Kingdom of Italy”, purchased the property and founded “Torrini Mario Cactee e Piante Grasse”. His specimens are beautiful and original, they won numerous prizes at the Flower Show, which at the time took place in the Uffizi square, and they have a place of honor, with a large exhibition space between the two entrance doors of the gallery.
The Torrini nursery remained active until the 1980s, when Mario decided to sell the entire collection. He will only keep a few specimens for himself, some of which are still at the Torrini house.
The garden has since become a family space, which over the years has preserved the splendid centenary olive grove.
Today it is experiencing a new chapter in its history thanks to Orto San Frediano, so that it continues to be a green space between the buildings.